Thank you for using our Mix & Match Bundle feature! We are excited to introduce a new functionality that allows merchants to choose whether to display bundled products as a single item or as separate items at checkout, as shown in the image below. This new feature helps optimize the shopping experience and improve sales efficiency.
If your store operates with a single currency or a single market, you do not need to worry about the following content.
However, if your store supports multiple markets or currency switching, there are some potential issues you must be aware of when using this feature. Please take note of the following:
Pricing Calculation Issue on the Bundle Page
When switching to a currency other than the primary currency on the Bundle Page, the app automatically calculates and displays each product's price based on the exchange rate instead of using the predefined price for that market.
For example:
If your primary currency is CNY, and Product A is priced at ¥12.00 in the China market but $6.00 (tax included) in the US market, when switching to the US market, Product A’s price on the Bundle Page may be displayed as $1.68 (calculated based on the exchange rate of the day) instead of the expected $6.00.
Checkout Price Display Issue
A similar issue may occur on the Checkout Page:
Suppose you have set the bundle price as ¥50.00 for the China market and $30.00 (tax included) for the US market. If a customer checks out in the US market, the actual price they pay may appear as $6.90 (calculated based on the exchange rate of the day) instead of the intended $30.00.
If your store supports multiple currencies or markets and you experience these issues, we recommend selecting "As separate items" when creating a Mix & Match bundle instead of choosing "As one item."
This will help ensure that product prices remain consistent with their intended market-specific pricing.