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Written by Yuan
Updated over a week ago

In this article:

What is teaser

The Teaser is a complementary page for your campaign, which helps grab visitors' attention before or after seeing your form. If the teaser appears before the form, it has a recommending and teasing function. If you choose the teaser to appear after the form is closed, it serves as a reminder for your campaign. Teaser will follow your visitors all the way through your website (taking into account the other display and targeting settings, of course), and don't let them forget about your message. But visitors can easily close the teaser if they are uninterested, which ensures a better user experience on your website.

Overview of teaser

Form types include Popup, Side message, Fullscreen, Sticky bar and Embed, except Embed, all support Teaser.

When you arrive at the form editor, click on Teaser at the bottom.

Then you will see all the supported settings for Teaser.

  • the Navigation menus on the left, including Theme, Display, Discount. Theme and Discount is shared with other Pages.

  • the General/Style/Advanced on the right.

  • the Workspace for editing in the middle.

  • the PC view, the Mobile view, and the Preview on the top.

Enable/Disable Teaser

If you want to show the Teaser to vistiors, please click on Show teaser, else, plesae click on Disable teaser.

Teaser Display

Click on Display on the left.


You can set where Teaser is displayed on the website. The position of the teaser and the position of other pages are independent of each other, that is to say, you can set the display position of other pages to be the center, but the display position of the teaser is the lower left corner.

What's more, you can set Teaser psotion separately for PC and Mobile.

When to show Teaser

  • Before the popup is displayed. You will first see the Teaser when you enter the website. Once you click on it, you open the popup form. Once you close it, the Teaser disappears. This is a good option if you don't want to overwhelm your customers with the Teaser.

  • When the popup is closed. You will first see the popup when you enter the website. Once you close the popup, a teaser appears to remind you to subscribe.

  • Before and after. Enable both Before the popup is displayed and When the popup is closed, Teaser will appear when you enter the website, and the Teaser will remain after you close the popup form.

Teaser animation

Teaser animation supports several types. If you select Bounce, the effect is as following.

Frequency: The animation repeats after specific seconds.

Teaser shape

Shape contains rectangle, circle, triangle and picture.

You can set size for teaser.

Close button of teaser

We recommend that you set a close button in the teaser. After the visitor clicks the close button, the teaser will not be displayed again during this visit to reduce interference.

Click on the eye icon to enable the close button.

You can set theclose button thickness, and color.

You can set Margin to adjust the position of the close button.

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