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Understanding form
Mia avatar
Written by Mia
Updated over a week ago

In this article:

What is form

When persons visit your online store, you can provide some special information to them via a form, ask them to fill out an email or phone number to subscribe, offer a discount code to them, recommend new products, and more. This is a very important part of store marketing.

Goals of your form

Before you start building a form, consider your goals. A form can help you connect with potential customers, learn more about your audience, convert email subscribers to SMS subscribers, and more. A simple new prospect acquisition form (to collect the contact information of a person who has visited your site, but never purchased) is a great place to start.

Once you’ve decided on a goal for your form, head to the Signup forms tab.

Form types

The uShopAid app supports the following form types, you should select a form type to match your form's goal when you create your form.

  • Popup

  • Side message

  • Sticky bar

  • Full screen

  • Embed

You can read the article Types of form templates to learn more about form types.

Design your form

After you have determined your form's goals and form type, you can begin to design your form.

Guiding principles for forms

Following these three principles will help you design a successful form:

  • Keep your style simple

    When you pack too much into a single form, you distract from your form’s main goal and make it harder for a site visitor to say “yes.” Keep it simple so it’s as easy as possible for your visitors to understand and fill out your form.

  • Design for the total experience

    It’s easy to get lost trying to find the perfect color or layout. Successful forms are about more than just a first impression. When designing your next form, consider your subscribers’ experiences before, during, and after they encounter your form.

  • Collect the right data

    Most forms ask for your email address or phone number, but more data can help you build powerful connections with subscribers. Knowing when to ask for more, and what to ask for, will help make it a no-brainer for subscribers to tell you more about themselves.

To create a form, you can either use a template from uShopAid's template library or build a form from scratch.

Build a form from template library

uShopAid's template library provides plenty of form templates, covering all types and goals, all are designed with best practices in mind, and it’s easy to customize them to match your brand.

  1. Navigate to the Signup Forms - > New form -> Browse our template library.

  2. Scroll down to browse the library and select the form that you would like to use.

  3. Click on the Preview button to preview the template or click on the Use this template button to enter the editor, where you can design the form to fit your brand.

Build a from from scratch

If you would prefer to start customizing a blank template, build a form from scratch.

  1. Navigate to the Signup Forms - > New form -> Browse our template library.

  2. Click on the Start from scratch button in the top right corner.

  3. Choose the type of form that you would like to use (e.g., popup, side message, sticky bar, full screen, or embed).

  4. Enter the editor where you can design the form to fit your brand.

Please refer to the article How to custom template to learn more about this.


A form includes one or more pages, a visitor will jump through these pages according to your settings. For example, the visitor can jump to the specific page when he clicks on one button.

You can add pages, delete pages, and adjust the sequence of pages.


Before you add elements to a page, you have to add a layout, and then add the elements in the layout.

Add element

The uShopAid app supports the following elements in form editor, you can add the elements to any pages. Adding elements to a page is easy, you just need to drag the element and release it to the page.

If you want to learn more about form editor, please refer to the article Form editor.

Target your form

Based on your form’s goals, adjust the settings in the Behavior page. You can decide when to show the form, where to show the form, who can see the form and more.

When to show your form

It is important to decide when to show the form after a person visits your website, it will affect the conversation rate.

If you want to learn more about this, please refer to the article Trigger: when to show your form.

Where to show your form

The form can be displayed on any page on your website, but sometimes you may not want to do this, you may want to show the form only on specific product pages, or cart pages, and so on.

  • Show the form on all pages of your website.

  • Show the form on specific pages of your website.

  • Don't show the form on specific pages of your website.

Note: Shopify blocks all the plugins on the checkout page for safety reasons, you can only display the form there if you are Shopify professional plan.

If you want to learn more about this, please refer to the article Where to display the form.

Who should see your form

You can decide which visitors can see the form when they visit your website. There are various conditions to filter the visitors.

  • Display frequency. Set the maximum times visitors see the same form and the time interval.

  • Subscribers / Non-subscribers. You are suggested to only allow non-subscribers to see the form when you collect subscribers.

  • Source. Persons who visit your website from certain sources can / can't see the form, e.g. Google Ad, Google Search, Facebook ad, and more.

  • Country. Persons in certain countries can / can't see your form.

  • Cart rules. When you want to give a discount code to visitors who have added products to shopping cart, you can set this condition.

  • Spent on site. Persons who have stayed on your website for some time will see your form, this means they are interested in your products.

  • More...

Please read the articles in the collection Behavior: target your visitors to learn all these conditions in detail.

Double opt-in

If there is an email input in your form, you will see the double opt-in switch on the behavior setting page.

  • Enable double opt-in. After a person fills out an email in your form, the uShopAid app will send him a confirmation email automatically, if he clicks on the confirmation button in the email to agree to subscribe, he will subscribe successfully, or his subscribe status will remain as non-subscribed.

  • Disable double opt-in. After a person fills out an email in your form, he will subscribe successfully immediately.

If you want to learn more about this, please refer to the article Confirm subscription: double opt-in.

Schedule your form

When you click on the Save and Enable button on the behavior page, your form will be added to your website immediately by default. You can adjust the start time and end time, visitors will only see your form during the start and end time when they visit your store. Of course, the form status should be enabled, otherwise, all the visitors can not see your form.

If you want to learn more about this, please refer to the article Schedule a form.

Add your form to your website

After you click on the Save and Enable button on the behavior page, the form will be added to your website automatically, you don't need to do anything more.

If you disable the form or the form is expired, it will be removed from your website automatically.

Please refer to the article How to manage your form to learn more about form status.

Optimize your form

After you finish creating your form, it is not the end, but just the beginning of your form marketing. You need to focus on the views and conversations, if the conversation rate is low, you need to adjust your form to optimize it. You are suggested to use the A/B test to optimize your form.

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