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How to create campaigns
How to create campaigns
Yuan avatar
Written by Yuan
Updated over a week ago


When you conduct email marketing, you often need to classify consumers, and then send marketing emails with the same content to each type of consumers in batches, such as new product recommendations, seasonal promotions, and so on. Campaign activities can meet this need for you. This article will explain how to create a Campaign activity.

Creating a Campaign is not a complicated thing, it consists of the following steps:

  1. Settings. Set the sender, recipient, etc.

  2. Email content. Select an email template and edit the email content according to your needs.

  3. Confirm. Confirm. Confirm your settings.

  4. Send. Send the email.


You need to set recipients:

  • Send to. The email is sent to the specified contact. You must categorize your contacts by List or Segment and then select these categories. You can select one or more Lists, Segments. Don't worry about the same contact existing in multiple Lists or Segments, uShopAid will ensure that the same contact can only receive one email.

  • Don't send to. Maybe you don't want some contacts in the selected List, Segment category to receive emails, you can exclude these contacts from recipients. This is an optional option.

    If recipients unsubscribe from your store emails, uShopAid will automatically skip these recipients when sending emails.

You need to set the email header, sender name, sender address, etc. These will determine whether your email will be opened by consumers.

  • Subject. The subject of the email is very important. Consumers can see it directly in the mail list of the inbox. A good subject of the email can increase the open rate of the email.

  • Preheader. Appears after the subject of an email to help you describe the content of your email.

  • Sender's name. It is best to be consistent with your brand.

  • Sender's email address. The sender's email address should be consistent with your brand. For example, if your brand is mybusiness, the sender's email address should be ***

You need to decide whether to open Follow-up email. Why do you need Follow-up email? Some consumers may not open your email after receiving your email. Maybe you want to send emails to these consumers who did not open your email. , Follow-up email can fulfill your needs. You need to set how long after the email is sent out and then resend it to these consumers who have not opened the email. You don't need to modify the content of the email, but you need to set a different email header for the Follow-up email to prevent consumers from thinking they're getting a duplicate email.

Edit content

uShopAid provides enough email templates, you need to choose an email template, and then edit the template content according to your needs.


Before you send emails, your settings need to be confirmed.


There are two options for sending an email, one is to send it immediately, and the other is to send it at a certain point in the future. When you set up to send mail at a point in the future, you can choose whether to send it based on the recipient's time zone or your own. For example, if you set the email to be sent at 09:00AM on October 12, 2022, your recipients include American consumers and Chinese consumers. If you choose to send emails based on the consumer's time zone, both American and Chinese consumers will be in Emails are received at 09:00AM in their respective timezones, if you choose to send emails based on your own timezone, consumers in the US may receive emails at 09:00AM and consumers in China at 09:00PM in their timezone. Therefore, it is recommended that you choose to send emails based on the consumer time zone, which can increase the open rate of your emails.


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